Membership Cards

There are 1500 Membership Cards with 8 levels of rarity that give you exclusive benefits!

  • Exclusive access to UpgradesAchievements
  • Exclusive access to get your Makers project certified
  • Exclusive access to participate in whitelist raffles for partners drops
  • Earn Cosmic Points from your Membership Cards by Staking
  • Holders of Cards Sets earn a bonus 90 CP every 5 days when staking all 8 different types of Membership Cards together. These are not stakable
  • Holders of Cards Sets gets 1 WL for both the Wild Spirits and Oracles drops

You need at least 1 Introverts or 1 Soul Portals collectible to enjoy the benefits of Membership Cards.

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Do you have a rarity table for the collection?
Yes! We're on
How do the Halloween and Christmas NFTs work?

Art and metadata for those NFTs is only going to be revealed on Halloween and Christmas and will be automatically updated in the Cardano blockchain.

  • 6 Halloween NFTs, to be revealed 31th October 2022.
  • 6 Christmas NFTs, to be revealed 25th December 2022.

Every year on Halloween and Christmas, holders will get a super special prize! They are available to buy on secondary market (JPG.STORE)

What are the special Seasons NFTs?

The ultra rare Seasons NFTs are part of our main collection and dynamically change on each season: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.

  • 4 unique seasons NFTs
  • 4 exclusive backdrops, one for each season.
  • 16 1/1 exclusive clothes
  • 16 1/1 exclusive hats&hair

Seasons NFTs will be raffled and airdropped to 4 lucky holders on July 2022. We use the Cosmos Points system to increase your chances of being selected in our raffle system. Join our Discord to learn more

Why Cardano?
Cardano is a decentralized proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain designed to be a more efficient alternative to proof-of-work (PoW) networks. Below are the top 5 reasons why we choose Introverts to live in the Cardano blockchain.
#1 Community: It just feels like home. People are supportive and positive. Everyone truly believes Cardano is going to be used by billions of people in the future.
#2 Environmentally friendly: Cardano is one of the most energy efficient blockchains out there. Nodes can run on low-end computers and single transactions can carry multiple types of assets, which reduces the overall number of transactions compared to other blockchains.
#3 Decentralized: From the initial token offering to how stake pools work, Cardano embraces the culture of decentralization and is on its way to becoming the most advanced decentralized blockchain of the future.
#4 Peer Reviewed Technology: We believe the successful blockchains are not the ones built faster, but the ones built with the best technology. Cardano has been transparently perfecting its technology in all aspects and never had a downtime since it went online in 2017.
#5 Low gas fees: Affordable for people all around the world, this makes it a super inclusive alternative to Ethereum and much more popular in developing countries. Transactions cost as low as 0.15 ADA.